Dr. Xianqing Jia
PostDoc - 2020.07 to present
Xianqing finished his PhD study at Nanjing University and joined our lab in June 2020. He has board interest in evolution of genomic features accompanied by morphologic changes in plants.
Research Interests:
- Evo-Devo
- Plant-Microbe interaction
- Molecular Genetics and Evolution
- Bioinformatics and Multi-omics analysis
- 2017.09 - 2020.06, PhD in Biology, Nanjing University
- 2014.09 - 2017.06, MEng in Pharmacy engineering, Nanjing University
- 2010.09 - 2014.06, BS in Biotechnology, Qinghai University
- Email: jiaxq.nju@gmail.com
- ORCID: 0000-0003-2033-2048
- Github: https://github.com/jiaxianqing
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FL4RJsIAAAAJ&hl=en